Every linen has a story.

At Linens N Love, we encourage you to consider how a linen was manufactured, the life it had while serving hotel guests, and its wasted potential if it was simply thrown into a landfill. Our vision is to rewrite the story: every piece of linen donated by hotels is given a second life.

Track Your Impact

Track Your Impact is a digital tracker that provides our hotels and guest with a tangible vision of how their actions have created an environmental and social impact. Simply enter the code that came with your repurposed linen product below to find out more.

Unlock the story of...

Your role in creating a social impact

Your linens will ultimately impact our variety of charity partners and communities, including family centres, migrant worker shelters, children’s homes and animal shelters. We want you to know how! Each Track Your Impact report will detail which charities you have impacted and how.

Your role in reducing environmental damage

As you shake the water off your hands and reach for the nearest towel, do you pause to consider where it came from and where it will go?

6000000 lbs


0 kg

of linens are discarded by hotels each year, generating implications for the carbon emissions and water consumption used to manufacture, transport, and dispose of these linens. By giving linens a second life in shelters or upcycled in your home, you have taken action to break the cycle.

Reduce Manufacturing

Rather than turn to factories that burn more fossil fuels and generate environmental emissions, upcycling and recycling cuts out damaging factory productions. Sustainable sources reduce the demand for new linens.

Reduce Transportation

New linens require a transportation network of fuel-burning trucks, ships, and trains to carry linens from factories to homes. Carbon emissions decrease as demand for newly-manufactured linens reduce.

Reduce Landfill Waste

Linens are sent to the incineration plant to be incinerated before being transported, generating toxic landfill waste with inorganic material and carbon emissions. Giving linens a second life cuts this step out completely.