Our Founders

Raised in California and educated in Singapore, May leads strategy and vision for Linens N Love. She is passionate about storytelling the nonprofit’s mission, leading a 30-person international team while pressing for sustainability and social impact in Fortune 500 boardrooms. A proud Yale-NUS alumna and Harvard Law TRIALS Scholar, May brings her passion for multicultural relationship development and international vision for the nonprofit’s future.​

May Wang

CEO & Co-Founder

Vivian Wang

President & Co-Founder

Vivian is the Co-Founder and President of Linens N Love. Originally from Orange County, California, Vivian is a senior at Stanford University studying Computer Science and Entrepreneurial Management. She started Linens N Love with her older sister, May, in 2014 when they were both 12 and 14 years old after learning about linens in the hospitality industry. Since then, Vivian has launched and scaled Linens N Love’s Chapters Program and Global Volunteers Program to span across 15 countries and 500 volunteers.